Poster Sessions: March 7th, 2017

An evaluation and comparison of static website generators

Static website generators have gained in popularity over the last couple of years, with many options now available to choose from. While they have typically been used for blog sites, they have grown in usage for other kinds of web-based projects, including image collections, documentation, and portfolios. In this poster,... more


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Code 4 Coll Dev

"More than just deciding what to buy, modern collection development for libraries occupies an increasingly complex space, a space structured by forces like predatory vendor pricing, institutional pressures on research and teaching, the high cost of physical storage, and the migration from print to digital media. As we strive to... more


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Implementing Proximity Beacons at an Academic Library

In the 2015-2016 academic year librarians at San Diego State University strategically deployed proximity beacons throughout the library. The beacons delivered informational websites to users via their mobile phones upon entering specific areas of the library building. This presentation will talk about the Google Eddystone beacons selected for this project,... more


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Integrating Born-Digital into Archival processing workflows

As digital preservation becomes a significant feature within archives, the differentiation between “digital archivist” and “archivist” is blurring. With this in mind, Special Research Collections (SRC) at UC Santa Barbara is removing "digital" as a premodifier, not viewing born-digital processing as a separate unit but an embedded mechanism for all... more


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Iterating on Agile: Making It Work in Real Life

Agile principles are celebrated in the world of software development, but can be challenging to apply in a library setting. We often face competing pressures, unclear priorities, diverse teams and skill sets, and an embarrassing amount of technical debt. We're also unlikely to ever have enough people to do everything... more


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Newspapers Re-Issued: Developing a custom IIIF newspaper viewer at the University of Maryland Libraries

Many institutions are creating archives of digital newspapers, yet it is notoriously challenging to deliver an engaging and uncomplicated end user interface for such content. At the University of Maryland Libraries, we have created a custom portal for our crowdfunded campus newspaper digitization project, which is scheduled to debut in... more


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Reimagining the slideshow: using reveal.js to create Choose Your Own Adventure library tutorials

The WI+RE (Writing Instruction and Research Education) team at UCLA was tasked with creating innovative online instructional modules to meet undergraduate student needs in research technology skills, information literacy, writing skills and research planning. Looking for a framework that enables students at a range of skill and knowledge departure points... more


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Software at your library: build, buy, or rent?

I’ll present a poster with three blank categories: build, buy or rent? Attendees will be encouraged to add sticky notes with the name of a software product and why their libraries chose to build, buy, or rent that software. This poster will start lively conversations on topics such as: Is... more


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Spinning Communication to Get People Excited about Technological Change

You’ve probably faced some people within your organization who are fearful of change, especially technological change. It can be difficult to convince techno-leery individuals that technological change is imminent and can be exciting rather than scary. Changes can take the form of a web redesign, a new integrated library system,... more


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Stacks Guide 2.0: The Dynamic Physical Finding Aid

In the last iteration of the Kansas State University Libraries website, the library catalog was integrated with an image map as a clever, helpful tool to aid patrons in locating an item on the shelf. Now, in the latest version of the website, Stacks Guide has been updated with new... more


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Supporting the Web Annotation Framework in Islandora

The latest W3C specifications governing a Web Annotation Data Model, Vocabulary, and Protocol represent a step forward in work governing the interoperability of annotations. [1] The Digital Scholarship Unit at the University of Toronto Scarborough Library needs to support the work of scholars annotating large images and video/audio files. Unit... more


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Transmog: from MS Word documents to structured XML

Like many institutions, at the University of Virginia, we have in the past, done archival description using Microsoft word. In order to better manage this descriptive and structural metadata (finding aids) it became necessary to migrate to a structured format. In order to save time, we developed a tool to... more


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