Building applications and microservices using the power and flexibility of Linked Data through RDF triplestores present libraries and cultural heritage institutions an incredible opportunity to grow and manage extensible knowledge graphs for their patrons, institutions, and communities. Participants will be presented with these three examples of RDF-based applications and services that use bibliographic and organizational information modeled in BIBFRAME 2.0 and RDF triples: 1. Colorado College Senior Thesis Self-Submission Application ( - This application allows seniors at Colorado College to self-submit their thesis along with any accompanying datasets, video, or audio to Colorado College's Fedora-based institutional repository. Modeling the institutional, departmental, and faculty relationships as RDF linked-data for this application provided the additional benefit of being the genesis of Colorado College's more general knowledge graphs for other uses instead of being isolated in an application silo. 2. The Colorado Alliance of Research Libraries BIBCAT Pilot ( - Using selected MARC 21 records from Colorado College and the University of Colorado Boulder that were generated from the Alliance's Gold Rush comparison service, this project uses the BIBCAT -short for bibliographic catalog- an open-source project originally funded by a contract for the Library of Congress to transform MARC 21 into BIBFRAME that is then published to the web as JSON-LD for indexing by Google, Bing, and other search engines. BIBCAT uses RDF rules that map MARC 21 fields and subfields to BIBFRAME 2.0 entities and properties. 3. DP.LA Service Hub for Colorado and Wyoming ( - A State Library of Colorado sponsored effort to aggregrate the metadata from across different libraries and museums in Colorado and Wyoming and provide a JSON-LD DPLA Map v4 feed to DP.LA. This project uses BIBCAT to transform different formats and vocabularies from multiple sources including Denver Public Library's RDF Dublin Core, Colorado College and University of Wyoming MODS metadata, and a metadata provided as custom CSV file from the History Colorado museum into BIBFRAME 2.0 entities stored in a triplestore. BIBCAT uses RDF-based rules to ingest these sources while allowing for easy customization and modification through simple editing of RDF turtle file. Unlike many Library Linked-Data events, this preconference's hands-on focus is to help participants start their own development of RDF applications and micro-services. While the focus will be partipatants on writing their own RDF rules using Turtle for manipulating their own metadata, participants will also be introduced to the underlying open-source Python and Haskell code used in the RDF Framework platform.